Nov 12, 2010

Crafty Computer Paper 2010 Winners Announced

Thank you to everyone who entered our competition, we've had some fantastic entries! All of our winners and runners-up are listed below. We hope you enjoy looking through them as much as we have. 

Decal Papers

The winner of a £100 Crafty Computer Paper voucher and a bottle of bubbly was:
Lindsay Atkinson


How Lindsay created these fantastic coasters...

"These coasters were made using the clear Inkjet Water-slide decal, which I printed and then carefully applied to some natural stone tiles. I was very excited when I discovered Crafty Computer Paper as I had been searching for a long time to find a way of transferring my designs onto products other than paper."

Decals The runner-up was...

Stuart Bell

Who won a £50 Crafty Computer Paper voucher for the use of our decal paper on his fleet of buses.

Paper Crafts

The winner of a £100 Crafty Computer Paper voucher and a bottle of bubbly was:

Linda Rolfe
 Paper Crafts

How Linda created the imaginative Halloween jewellery...
"These were all made with digital images which I printed and then coloured using distress inks. When dried I scanned them back into my PC and using my graphics programme I lightened the images before printing them out onto your Inkjet Printable Shrink Plastic. I cut them out and punched a hole for attaching, and then shrunk them with my heat gun".

Paper Crafts Runner Up The runner-up was...

Caroline Whitehouse

Who won a £50 Crafty Computer Paper voucher for using both the Japanese Watercolour Paper for the photo and Inkjet Wood Veneer for the frame.

Fabric Crafts

The winner of a £100 Crafty Computer Paper voucher and a bottle of bubbly was:
Hilary Gooding

Fabric Crafts

How she created this fabulous piece...
"I used Crafty Computer Paper Fabric Printing Sheets to print out five images of my granddaughter at the beach. The four images around the centre one were edited in Photoshop to deliberately fade the colour. The fabrics were fused to a felt base with Bondaweb. The anorak in the centre picture was "thread painted" to intensify the colour then machine quilted. The piece was satin-stitched around the edge and then a twisted cord of toning colours was added."

Fabric Crafts The runner-up was...

Patricia Hodgkinson

Who won a £50 Crafty Computer Paper voucher for her use of our A3 sized Printable Cotton to create her piece called 'Crinoline Lady Wall Art'.

Miniature World

The winner of a £100 Crafty Computer Paper voucher and a bottle of bubbly was:Marianne Cook


How she manages intricate details at miniature scale...
"The curtain fabric in this room was designed by Duncan and I scaled it down and printed it on one of your Printable Cotton Fabrics. The painting on the wall was reproduced in the same way. I have also used your Water-slide Decal Paper to put patterns on reproductions of original antique plates in the kitchen, and have printed more scaled down fabrics for other rooms."

Miniature World The runner-up was...

Katina Beale

Who won a £50 Crafty Computer Paper voucher for creating wallpaper, a chair, curtains and more using our Washable Silk and Cotton sheets.

Best of the Rest

Congratulations to the following entries, you've won a
£25 Crafty Computer Paper voucher...

Selina Hall
- for the Inkjet Cotton Fabric cushions

Kirsten Fox - for the dog jackets and sash
Angela Huddart - for her journal made from oak leaves
Emma Moat - for her lovely candles
Gaynor Armitage - for "A Card up my Sleeve"
Jackie Brady - for the memory blanket


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