Oct 31, 2007

The Office Dogs

Here is a picture of Pops and Lulu who are our office dogs. They are so cuddly and sweet!!! we love them. Do any of you take your dogs to work? We are lucky because the office is situated on a farm so we can just open the door and they have so much freedom, we just have to watch out for the tractors and the odd sheep and they are fine. Pops is the Mother of Lulu and they are mini wired haired Dachshunds. I don't know anyone else who has this breed of dogs, I'd love to hear from any Dachshund owners!!



Dear All

This is the first post on Crafty Computer Paper's Blog. We hope it will be a good inspiration to you all and we will include as many ideas as possible to help you create using your PC. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them here and we will try and answer them for you.